Nikon and University of Amsterdam open Centre of Excellence in Super Resolution microscopy
Nikon Instruments Europe has partnered with the University of Amsterdam to open a new Center of Excellence in Super Resolution microscopy development. The opening on 23 October 2012, of the state-of-the-art facility enables research across a broad range of disciplines.

The centre houses Nikon’s latest imaging systems including N-SIM and N-STORM Super Resolution systems, A1R Confocal, C2 confocal and an Andor Spinning Disk Confocal. Nikon has always had a long standing relationship with the University of Amsterdam, in particular with Dr Erik Manders, who developed Nikon Licensed technology Controlled Light Exposure Microscopy (CLEM.) In recent times, Nikon was part of the consortium that was successful in winning a Perspectief Stichting Technische Wetenschappen (STW) grant for nanoscopy.
The Centre is opened by Drs Paul Doop, Vice President of the Board of the University of Amsterdam and Sumio Eimori, President, Nikon Instruments Europe joined by key users across the University of Amsterdam. Dr Erik Manders, Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam, commented “Being involved in such an amazing project has been extremely exciting for the University. Having such a vast range of optical equipment will enable my group, my colleagues as well as other partners the opportunity to use cutting edge imaging systems to further enhance our research. Working alongside Nikon is a tremendous opportunity for us as they are firmly established in the market.” The Centre will also act as a training location for Nikon staff, further enhancing their technical and product knowledge, ensuring Nikon customers are given the best customer service possible. Nikon will also be able to offer the centre as a demonstration site for customers with needs and interest in advanced optical technology.
Peter Drent, General Manager, Nikon Instruments Europe said “Nikon has a cluster of Centres around Europe, each specialising in a particular research application or technique. It is a fantastic opportunity for Nikon to work alongside the University of Amsterdam and for the centre to become the birth place of new Super Resolution techniques. The partnership between Nikon and the University of Amsterdam is also two way, with Nikon providing the University with imaging systems and first-rate knowledge in our staff. With such a variety of research undertaken at the University, Nikon will also be able to learn about new emerging applications and science and be able to provide the perfect imaging solution.”